Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Allow me to Introduce Myself!

First, I love Fashion and the ability to change our image through clothing, accessories, shoes and make-up! Now that I've said that I also think Fashion is a followers sport and real trend setters have STYLE. What’s the difference? Fashion is what is hot now and how I can pull off that trend of the moment. Style on the other hand is the ability to stay true to oneself while playing with the trends of the moment. A Fashion follower may see a celebrity wear a particular dress and go get that dress, shoes, bracelets the whole shebang! While this is great for the design houses what does it say about you as a person, that you can follow directions or you are a clone? Now a stylish person looks at that same picture and pulls it apart. They look at the venue and compare it to venues they frequent, “Would I be able to wear that to work, school, happy hour?” Then they look at cuts, “Are the pants fitting on her like that because she has a long torso and how would I pull off that look with my short torso”. They sum up what from that look fits into their person style and find a way to use the trends of today in with their personal style. Of course to do this you have to know what your personal style is, I like to call my style Dorthy Dandrige meets Trina in The Hamptons. I know that’s a lot so let me explain. I love the classic beauties and the way they always looked ladylike, even when they were going to the store, always done. Now I believe in showing skin and with my ASSets sometimes there is no way to hide certain things. I also like that “Yeah she looks nice but with that type of body she must be a stripper”, lol. I take this duo to the Hamptons because I love structure and clean lines in clothing and if you let me I will wear my boat shoes all summer long. That’s my personal style and I may do all three at once or one at a time but you can always see my personal style in any trend I decide to participate in. That being said some trends I don’t participate in. I know my body and some things no matter what people say do not fit with every body type! There I’ve said it be mad if you want!
With looking at my favorite fashion blogs out there I decided to create this blog to bring style and situation together. Now we all love the trends of the stars however if you think you are wearing those bright suede platform pumps into the office think again! Yeah you should be able to be comfortable at work but honey you do not work at Vogue and those shoes say the wrong thing in the office. But it’s ok; you can pass on that and find another way to make these things work for your life without having to buy two different wardrobes. Before we get to the fun stuff however we have to take care of business and start with the basics! Those items that every women must have in her closet. Having these items no matter what your profession or age allows you to create a wardrobe that never makes you say “I have nothing to wear!”. The great thing about the basics is also that you can put your personal style in every single piece!

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